Senator Barbara BoxerPretty much says it all. I'm so proud this "woman" represents my State.
112 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC. 20510
Dear Mrs. Boxer,
I am writing in reference to your interview with US Army Corps of Engineers Brigadier General Michael Walsh during which you requested he address you as “Senator” instead of “ma’am”. You stated you had worked very hard for that title and would appreciate being called Senator. He very graciously acquiesced to your request.
I am curious about the nature of your very hard work to become a Senator. I’m sure there were long hours talking to groups of voters and telling them what your focus groups said might resonate and convince them to support you. And I’m sure there were long hours spent with special interest groups to gain financial support in exchange for favorable legislation if elected. And I’m sure there was a lot of time and money spent with consultants and speech writers to polish your image. Of course you are not alone in all this effort. That’s part and parcel of politics, right?
In contrast with what you did to gain your title of Senator I was thinking of what Michael Walsh went through to earn his flag rank of Brigadier General. Certainly there was some politics involved as would be the case in any human interaction. But, as a former naval officer, I can assure you performance and discipline are the top qualities necessary to achieve flag rank in the military. And when I think of the present state of affairs in our federal government, I see very little evidence of those characteristics. When I watched the exchange between yourself and the General, I wished with all my heart the tables could be turned and he question you instead of you questioning him. You and all your cohorts need to be grilled about the decisions you make that affect our lives. You see, Mrs. Boxer, there are a whole lot of us out here that respect the military very much, but have little regard, indeed an increasing contempt and disdain for the United States Congress. My apologies to the few statesmen that remain, but remember the old saying, “Its too bad 90% have to mess up the reputation of the other 10%”.
The narcissism, condescension and insecurity you exhibited in your conversation with the General was both revolting and revealing. Do you think some of the far left politics you advocate have contributed to your state, California, being broke? Is there a chance as a politician you have promised more than you could deliver just to get elected? You seem unable to grasp the concept that respect is earned, not bestowed. You can put any title in front of a name, but that will not assure respect. Actions like Capt Sullenberg’s double engine failure and subsequence water landing in the Hudson EARN respect.
There was a time when protocol dictated a letter to a United States Senator be signed “Respectfully submitted”. Unfortunately for our nation those days are gone, and whether they will return is solely up to the performance of our elected representatives. In the meantime remember some of us are not watching “American Idol”. Rather, our eyes and ears are pointed towards Washington, and our hope is that some day signing our letters “respectfully” will be justified once again.
Most Sincerely,
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