Friday, July 31, 2009

From One of Us

Written and mailed in by George Martin:

Is the Health Care Crisis a Smoke Screen? I am a firm believer that the politicians in Washington DC are keeping a deep dark secret from Americans. If they were just honest about the situation I believe there would be an increase in supporters for a new National Health Care Plan.One that is based on honesty and truth for the reasons we need a new Healthcare Plan.

How many years have we heard that Medicare is on the verge of bankruptcy? Year after year we hear politicians, professionals and media types winging their hands and declaring that Medicare is going bankrupt.

I can see why. Washington has expanded that program so much over the years that it is ready to implode under its own weight, Now, along comes the Baby-Boomers hitting their retirement years and Medicare will not be able to support this huge increase of recipients.

That is the information I feel the politicians are keeping from the American people. Why? That is the million-dollar question! The need is there for a program to replace Medicare, why not be honest about it?

Most people don’t accept as fact that there are 47 million uninsured in this country. Some articles in the MSM call it the 46 Phantom Uninsured. So, they resent a new health care program to include many who can afford, but won’t purchase insurance. Why do the politicians use this tired old canard to create a mega billion-dollar new health care program?

I firmly believe if the politicians were honest about the impending doom of Medicare under the weight of Baby-boomers and that Medicare has to be replaced, or reinforced I would support it and I am sure millions of Americans who now oppose the proposed Health Care Plan would join in and support it.

George H. Martin, Pacifica California

Thanks for the submission, George.


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