Friday, July 24, 2009


Thursday's meeting went well. Though I probably talked too much.

There were about 12 attendees, and we all enjoyed meeting/seeing each other very much.

Mostly it was a meet and greet affair, appropriate for a first time gathering. But we did arrive a a few basic conclusions:

1) We will NEVER go to Zack's again. High prices. Lousy food. Seriously. My cat makes better gnoche—and she's not even Italian.

2) We recognize that the first priority is recruitment. No matter how many good ideas we have, we have to have enough people to implement them...because the Powers That Be only care about their own job security, and power is in numbers.

3) We all agree that the current entrenched parties no longer represent The People, and that the Congress is a swamp of vipers, that needs to be drained. We agree that the nation is being run by oligarchs, particularly under this "president", that wish to consolidate power in the Imperial State, and shred the Constitution, our Republic, and our Rights. And we agreed that even if it's not something we really want to do (we'd rather be fishing), it is our duty and responsibility to our forefathers, to ourselves & our honor, and to our take our country back!

4) We will meet again in 2 weeks on Thursday, August 6 at 5:00 pm, at an as yet undisclosed location....see below.

5) Regular Meeting Place. We agreed that we would each seek out potential meeting places in our areas. We'd like it to be no further south than San Mateo, as several people will be coming from Pacifica and points north. We're particularly looking for one in which we could buy a reasonably priced meal, individually (like a Haufbrau or Pizza Parlor) and perhaps meet in one of their private rooms. If anyone has a good idea, email me at

Alternatively, Elk and Moose or other Lodges as well as the American Legion were mentioned as possibilities If anyone is a member, and can inquire about arrangements, please let me know.

6) I am going to be sending a "YOU'RE FIRED" pink slips for political representatives tha everyone can print out and inundate their representatives with. We talked about sending them every day...just to get their attention. And to let them know WE ARE WATCHING!

I'll have those done and emailed to everyone before Monday.

7) And finally, I proposed that instead of us all getting scores of emails from each other, or from me, that we all check this blog daily for news and updates. Anything that anyone wants to share can be mailed to, and I'll post it.

Of course, date sensitive issues or emergency alerts will still be emailed directly.

I hope I've covered everything. If anyone who attended has anything to add, please click on "comments" below, and add to the conversation.

And speaking of "comments" on this Blog, let's use them as conversation threads. A way of keeping them all together, and OUT of our email boxes.

Thanks to all the people at the meeting last night. It was great. And I encourage everyone else to join us on August 8.


When you're finished reading this, click "comments" below, and see how it works. I left one for you.


  1. This is my comment. Type yours into the box below, and when you're done, click the "post comment" button beneath the box, it will show up just like this one, and below it...newer ones follow older one.

    If you are not "signed in" just click on the drop down menu next to "Comment as" and choose "name/URL". You can type your name in as you want it to display with your comment. Don't worry about the URL, you can leave it blank.

    See? Easy peasy.

  2. Carol -- Great meeting everyone. So nice to be among "friends". And you didn't talk too much. You spoke eloquently so we'll let you speak again! I think your "invitation" to join us is just fine. We can always personalize it if we want to. I'm sending it to a few folk.

    As for August 28, I'm definitely going to Sacramento for this.

  3. Yay! That makes 4!

    Oh...and thanks.

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