Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who Is To Blame?

Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution of the United States of America lists the powers permitted to Congress. Have you read it lately?

There are 17 of them. And (perhaps surprisingly to some) none relates to Health Care, or Education, or endowing the Arts, or Prescription Drugs...

The Constitution is very specific. It tells Congress what particular powers it has, and then it very emphatically says that any powers not listed are NOT Congress'...but belong to the States and to The People.

It's not a difficult concept. And it's not complicated language. It's perfectly clear for any reader of English.

How then did we end up with an Imperial State that interferes in every facet of our lives, and is seeking ever more control until it will literally dictate our thoughts and behavior from birth to death?

Who can we point to? Who are the monsters responsible? Who's fault is it that our government is totally out-of-control?

Who took the government 'of the people, by the people and for the people' that our Founders bequeathed us and transformed it into a government by ambitious, greedy, self-serving, dictatorial Elites?

Who let these vipers take over our once great citizens' government? Who allowed this perversion of our Founders' vision, principles and greatest achievement?

Have you guessed yet? Are you blushing? 

"The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance." 

I think it's safe to say we have not been vigilant in making sure the government obeys the Constitution. If the Congress won't, and the President won't, and the Supreme Court won't, what can be done?

We have forgotten that WE are the Sovereign from which all governing power comes. The Congress, The President and even the Supreme Court must answer to us...not the other way around. But we have fallen asleep...and allowed ourselves to become Subjects rather than Citizens.

It is our shame, and our fault. We are the malfeasant ones. We are to blame.

We have forgotten that the power of the government is merely loaned to it by us. And we have allowed an ambitious, greedy, self-righteous, power-hungry few to convince us that government is our master, not our servant.

It is time that We The People awaken, and remember who we are, and take our Power and our Country back!


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