Friday, August 7, 2009

Meet The Mob

Go here to see the scary pictures of the Mob taking over America...and scaring the bejeesus out of Washington.

hat tip/George M


  1. The amusing part to me is that the 'mob' is composed of elderly, white, seemingly well-off people. My read on it is that these are people who are threatened by a change in the status quo.

    This is not to say that I support the decisions of the current administration; rather, that I find it interesting to look at the opposition to any political movement or politician, because it says a great deal about said movement/persons via those who feel threatened and disenfranchised by them.

    I think one thing that is almost never pointed out in any forum is that whatever side you take, be it conservative, liberal, democrat, republican, those who make decisions use fear and our own expectations to lead us where their agenda lies. If you don't tow the party line, you're mocked. Moderation and individualization are lost, as the general public paint each other to their own designs, with wide strokes. If one didn't like the healthcare reforms proposed by Obama, but enjoyed his decisions in almost all other regards, he would be verbally torn apart by the right. Yet the same would be true if these same personal opinions were made known to the left.

    ...At this point, I'm rambling, and this all started over what was essentially lolcat pictures of old people in an auditorium. Funny old place, the internet.

  2. I don't think you get the point here, Sugar. It's all about Liberty.

    What grows government diminishes individual Liberty. It's a simple equation.

    I don't care who promotes it, if it enhances the size and power of the State, I'm against it. No matter how pretty the decor is, or how fragrant the flowers.

    I'm one of those old fashioned Americans that is 'threatened by a change in the status quo' from Liberty to Tyranny.

    And I'm okay with that
