Friday, September 11, 2009

ACORN Enables Child Sex Slavery

Do not let this story die. The Slobbering Media is not covering this. But it needs to be brought to the attention to our "leaders" and we need to demand that this corrupt, disgusting organization be called out, prosecuted, exposed, shunned and repudiated by every single lawmaker, up to and including Obama.

We need to make sure than not one penny of taxpayer funds goes to this corrupt and criminal organization. And we need to make sure they are nowhere near the Census.

Do not let your representative rest until they do this. Do not let this outrage be buried by the Left, by the Media (I repeat myself) or the vipers in Washington (oops, did it again!).

ACORN workers in two locations (Baltimore and Washington D.C.) have been recorded and filmed advising people they believed to be a prostitute and pimp to commit tax fraud, and almost unbelievably, enabling them with advise and information, to bring underage illegal alien girls, as young as 14-15 years old into this country to serve as prostitutes in the "low cost" housing this couple is trying to buy with ACORN's help. has the entire story.

Here are the individual posts for videos and transcripts:

Don't let these corrupt criminals get away with pretending that it was just "a couple of rogue employees", as they are no doubt prepared to do; as they ALWAYS do when they are caught red-handed in their perpetual illegal, immoral, corrupt activities.

The two ACORN women on the Baltimore video have allegedly been fired. If so ACORN is hoping no doubt that ends the scandal. (After initially calling this "gotcha" journalism, a smear campaign and defamation...!)

But the second D.C. report, released just today, makes it clear that this is institutional behavior, not disapproved rogue actions of off-the-plantation lone wolves.

Is ACORN using our tax dollars to help tweaks buy houses to set up meth labs in too?

These people have a legal, not to mention moral responsibility to call the police on people they know to be committing crimes...especially trapping children in sex slavery.

How is it possible that in America, an organization that is funded by taxpayers' hard earned money, and stands to get billions more of it as a result of Obama's "stimulus" bill, is an enabler of the sexual slavery of children?

And what kind of people are we and what has our country become if we permit this criminal syndicate, their supporters and their defenders to continue this corruption without consequence?


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