Friday, October 30, 2009

Update on "NancyCare" c/o Gloria

Dividing and penalizing Americans: the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962)

October 29th, 2009

Take Back

The latest iteration of Democrats’ “health care reform” legislation, dubbed NancyCare, is the longest so far, 1990 pages. Basically it is the same as H.R. 3200.

Provisions can be broadly categorized by effect: tax increasing, cost increasing, choice decreasing, hassle increasing, wealth redistributing, and growth punishing.

It segments Americans into categories by economic status: families and individuals by income (as if income were a static characteristic), and business size by payroll and number of employees. Supposed affordability of premiums, level of responsibility for payments, and eligibility for subsidies (wealth transfers from others) vary according to which box one fits into.

Read more or comment: HERE


1 comment:

  1. Time will tell if it is the LAST. We will pay more for premiums, pay more in taxes, have more joblessness, and nationalize health care, but they will get contoll of another 15.3% of our economy at all costs.
