Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Guest Author - Karen Kennedy

Stand up and Be Counted on the Side of Liberty
By Karen Kennedy 

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our nation’s problems, government is the problem.” President Ronald W. Reagan

As he promised, Obama’s administration is rapidly changing the face of America.

It is no longer only Republicans who acknowledge and fear the Socialist Agenda encompassing our free nation.  Finally it seems that “liberty” is something that Americans from all walks of life treasure. Concern is sweeping across America as the Tea Party in Washington DC proved.

In a short 10-month span Obama and his liberal cohorts in Congress have put Americans in trillions of dollars of national debt. A debt we cannot repay, a debt that will ensure that the United States will be financially tied to Communist China for many years to come.

Americans have seen the virtual collapse of our financial institutions—due to greed, of course—but mainly because of government interference. This fiasco began with HUD in 1937, HUD began to expand over the years. President Carter’s first major priority was loans for lower income home buyers through HUD. President Clinton then convinced Congress to force banks to increase the number of home loans to low income families; dictating that these financial institutions greatly increase loans to unqualified home buyers or be severely penalized. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac became the tool that was used to insure these loans took place. Fraud, manipulation of “get rich” scams, mismanagement and greed all contributed to this disgraceful abuse of power. Congress made sure there was no oversight of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, in spite of Bush’s continual warnings to oversee these institutions. In 2005 things got so bad that congress was forced to do something. Congress passed a bill to regulate and restructure them, but the Democrats in the Senate stopped the bill cold. We are facing the results of their incompetence today.

Control of the American people is what Socialism is all about. Whether a Socialist, Marxist or Communist, all believe in government control. They know better how to raise your family, educate/indoctrinate your children, they will micro-manage Nationalized Healthcare for everyone. We know already it will be more costly and vastly inferior to what we now have. A Socialist Government will take charge of your finances along the way. Distribution of wealth (your hard earned money) is always a top priority. The take over of private property and the piece by piece destruction of our United States Constitution is on the agenda.

The first stimulus bill should never been passed without strict guidelines put in place. Some say that it should not have been passed at all. We have seen little result except that our Government has taken a huge step towards Socialism (Obama’s underlying goal). The takeover of banking institutions and the automobile industry is just the beginning. President Obama’s appointed Czars that have a finger in every segment of American life… all have the same agenda…Socializing this country. They are determined to find ways to control the internet and all conservative media; have called a war on Fox News because they will not give this President’s propaganda to its viewers—the same pap and crap almost all news media are broadcasting as truth. Now salaries are to be dictated by government Czars (not elected and not accountable to congress). Our superior health care system is being demonized under the dictates of this President. Our school children are being subjected to a laissez-faire morality starting in kindergarten, blatantly and without regard to parents' objections as Obama’s Czars continue with their heavy handed agenda.

Many Czars have very questionable backgrounds, people who have actually been caught in illegal activity, tax dodgers, and some are actually known Communist and Marxist or sympathizers. Most are so radical in their thinking that many Americans question their values and even their loyalty to our Country and our Constitution. Their agendas seem to be the same…taking away personal liberty and giving the government more control. All seem to aspire to outlaw guns, and believe their way of thinking is THE ONLY WAY OF THINKING and have zero tolerance of opposition. These Czars have no problem restricting our religious freedoms, our right to assemble, our right to free speech and our right to privacy. The thought police will now be scrutinizing us all as potential Hate Crime offenders.

I take great exception to the appointment of Kevin Jennings, Czar of “safe schools”. His beliefs are so radical, for instance, that he approves of NAMBLA, the organization that  supports the right of adult men to have sex with young children. He believes that heterosexuals should NOT be teaching in our schools and therefore should not be recruited (his words). His background should be carefully
analyzed by parents. This is a typical example of people Obama has placed in positions of authority; bureaucrats making decisions that effect each of our lives and answerable only to Him. Why aren’t our Republican legislators making a public outcry of concern about these Czars?

We have a responsibility to future generations; We must take time to educate our youngsters in our families as to what liberty and tyranny are all about…they certainly will not be taught this in most of our government schools. If those of us who grasp and understand what is happening to our country do not stand up to be heard, do not stand up for our rights that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights specifically outlined and guarantee us, do not scrutinize our politicians and judges before and after they are placed into office and if we do not stand against tyranny and injustice…what kind of America will our great-grandchildren be living in?

So yes, continue to make your phone calls, write your letters confront our legislators at every opportunity you have. We must not tire; we must prevail and stop the madness that is trying hard to “CHANGE” America from a Republic into a Socialist country.

The opinions expressed above are those of the author, 
and do not necessarily reflect the views of all members of 
the Peninsula 9.12 Project

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