Wednesday, November 11, 2009

National or Local?

I've been thinking alot about the conversation at our last meeting about whether we should "storm the gates" of the National Republican Party to demand they bend to our will...or whether we should concentrate on our local Congressional and Senate races.

I've come down on the side of "localism". Here's why:

If we were to attempt the massive remake of the National Republican Party, who exactly would we go to? What would we demand? What would we use as leverage? And even if we "won", how would the National Party's surrender affect the makeup of Congress?

The national party does not control the local parties. The National Party does not nominate Congressional or Senate candidates. Do we really think National dictating to locals would go over well? And, is that what we really want??

Isn't that exactly what we're fighting against? Centralized Power?

Look, Michael Steele can't demand the San Mateo GOP do his bidding and nominate a Conservative instead of a RINO. He didn't want ScuzzyWuzzy nominated in NY23...but that's what he got. And felt bound to finance and support her because she was the duly chosen Republican candidate of the local party.

He also can't dictate that they nominate a RINO instead of a Conservative...and that's a good thing!

In other words, you can't remake the GOP from the TOP DOWN!

Congress is IN Washington...but Congress does not COME FROM Washington. 

It comes from local districts with local politics - and States. I believe that every 9.12 group in every district and State must do all they can to effect change of ONE Congressman and TWO Senators...and if they all DO that...we will have a whole new Congress.

And a whole new Republican Party.

If we spend our energy and time concentrating on the National Party....local Republicans will be willy-nilly nominating RINOS and Liberal Republicans, and we'll be no better off than we are.

We're "grassroots" and that, by definition is personal, individual and local.

I GET it. It IS frustrating being in California where it's so hard to get conservatives nominated let alone elected. But that is the battle we to be us.

The answer to changing Washington is for every 9.12 group to do whatever it takes to move their local Republican Party to the right —"By Whatever Means Necessary"—and collectively it will have the national results we seek. And that means we target the San Mateo County GOP...whose meeting is Thursday night.

The more people we recruit into the game, the better chance we have of success!

Happily I believe that's exactly what all the 9.12 Project groups around the country are doing. And I think we need to do our part.

So... that's my opinion...until someone convinces me otherwise.


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