Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Obama's Lack of Leadership

Leonard forward this article from American Thinker:  Commander in Chief or Commander in Least?

Our current Commander in Chief (who never served in the military) has not demonstrated that he comprehends the concept of mission accomplishment before troop welfare. Disappointingly, President Obama has not demonstrated that he comprehends the concept of mission accomplishment at all. We have no clear mission in Afghanistan. We have no concise finalization strategy for Iraq. The President has yet to establish just what we are supposed to be doing in either of these theaters.

Furthermore, the President seems to be thwarting any forward momentum with regard to mission accomplishment by manifesting an attitude that troop welfare is paramount. Obama has also hastily portrayed an apologetic attitude for American strength. This destructive attitude breeds not only optimism in our enemies, but despair in those in uniform who are genuinely proud to serve the country they love.


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