Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here's What We Do Now!

Dear Fellow Patriots,

As you know, WeDaPeeps has been in existence for just a few months. It all started with a few collected signatures on a signup sheet at the July 4 Tea Party.

We've come a long way in such a short time.

Our Goal is to: Dismantle the Imperial State & Restore our Constitutional Republic

At our very first meeting, I identified the three most urgent and critical actions necessary to forward that agenda:

1) Defeat Cap & Trade
2) Defeat ObamaCare
3) "Throw the Bums Out!"

My reasoning:

ObamaCare and/or Cap and Trade would institute an Imperial State in control of every aspect of our lives. No matter what other issues we care about—and there are many—if we allowed either of these two comprehensive programs to be instituted, we would lose the power to affect any of the others. We would, for all intents and purposes, be servants of the government, no longer its masters.

The third goal "Throw the Bums Out" is as necessary as the first two because it is the current crop of "bums" that has brought us to this brink of transforming the United States of America into a dystopian Socialist nightmare. They are no longer "of the people". They have become almost permanent rulers who disdain "We the People". And it's time for them to go.

During the last 5 months there have been so many assaults on our Liberty, so may outrages coming at us from so many directions, I fear that we have, in the attempt to deal with them all, somewhat lost sight of those original three goals and why they are so important.

I'd like to take the opportunity today to refocus and re-commit to them:

1) Cap & Trade

This has taken a somewhat unexpected turn. While unlikely to have passed the Senate on its own, it has been given new life by the EPA’s declaring CO2 to be dangerous to human health, and therefore within their jurisdiction to regulate. There is no doubt that the Obama administration will use this determination as a gun to the heads of Senators to pass Cap & Trade.

The fact is, the reason the EPA has this power is through the Clean Air Act— passed by Congress—so Congress can amend the act to take CO2 out of the hands of the EPA. However, they won’t do it on their own.

This Progressive Congress will use the EPA threats as political cover to pass Cap & Trade as a more benign regulatory regime than that which Obama’s EPA would impose by fiat.

Rather than allow Congress to pretend that they have no choice but to pass Cap & Trade to avoid more draconian regulations from EPA…we must demand that they amend the the Clean Air Act to deprive the EPA of this power – and NOT pass ANY version of Cap & Trade!

Unfortunately, this jobs-economy-liberty-free market killer is still very much alive.

Indeed, there is no doubt that this Progressive Congress is thrilled that it will have what it believes to be political cover to pass this monstrosity.

And I believe it will do so in spite of our continued and vociferous objections and the havoc it will create in the economy and in our lives.

2) ObamaCare

Has been passed by the House (with "aye" votes by our Congresswomen Speier and Eshoo) and is working its way through the Senate. Of course, we must continue our faxing campaign against it to Boxer and Feinstein, the Blue Dog Democrats and the Wavering Republicans, and to Speier and Eschoo to vote against the post conference bill (or the Senate bill if it is introduced without conference in the House) , but honestly, I consider the chances of influencing any of our four Left-Wing representatives against it to be slim and none.

I believe that in the end we will get a version of Cap & Trade and ObamaCare. It will be the worst Government Power Grab in the history of our nation. We will be living in a land that our Founders would not recognize. And our representatives will have proven that even though the majority of citizens are against these two devastating bills…they were willing to sacrifice the will of the people and the good of the country on the alter of Party, Power, Greed and Left-Wing, Collectivist Ideology.

That means we have but one alternative:


It is now time to turn our full attention to replacing these recalcitrant politicians. Our last chance to save our country is the 2010 elections. With a significant change in Washington we will signal that we are awake, and taking back control of our country.

If we cannot stop Congress using the EPA as cover for passing Cap & Trade, we must replace the weasels with Americans who will repeal Cap & Trade, and amend the Clean Air Act to defang the EPA.

If we cannot stop ObamaCare from passing, at least we can, with a big enough electoral victory, work to repeal it before it can take full effect.

This is now the most important thing we can do to save our Country.

The vipers in Washington are openly defying the American People. They are pushing these monstrosities through in spite of the fact that huge majorities of Americans are against them! If we don't teach them a lesson in 2010, if we do not punish them for their defiance, they will know there is NOTHING THEY CAN'T GET AWAY WITH.

And that will be the end of Freedom and of our Constitutional Republic.

Until the 2010 Elections...I want our group to be focused like a laser beam on defeating our National Representatives.

When we have affected the change in Washington that will begin the restoration of our Constitutional Republic—or at the least halt our march to Socialism, we can begin working on those other issues that are so important in supporting that effort, like reforming education, and transforming the media, and restoring the free market.

I hope that you will join me in this effort. Our country's future depends on it! And we have less that a year to get it done!

We will be concentrating on three races:

Jackie Speier
Anna Eshoo
Barbara Boxer

So…rather than our original topic for our next meeting, I’d like to start preparing for our last chance at saving America: the 2010 elections.

Please think about the following, and bring your ideas to the meeting:

1) Identify principled LIBERTY candidates (If necessary, enter our own candidates in the GOP Primary)
2) Campaign organizing
3) Internet campaigning
4) Opposition research
5) YouTube
6) Guerilla tactics, creativity
7) Engage the entire LIBERTY community in the campaign
8) Reach out to all the angry, disappointed, disillusioned, fed up citizens and get their VOTES!
9) Use the Tea Party ground swell

To all who have not yet joined us, THIS IS YOUR TIME! We have got to organize and work together if we’re going to take our country back!

The 2010 elections may be the most important in our history. The Progressives have determined to make our country into one ruled by an elite oligarchy—themselves—ignoring the will of the people and the limits of the Constitution. If they are allowed to get away with it without repercussion in 2010, they will know that they can do anything they want without consequences. And our Constitutional Republic will have died.

Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Your children and grandchildren will thank you for saving their freedom—or blame you for surrendering it!

Check the Calendar of Events for date and location of our next meeting.

Carol Negro
The 9.12 Project
"Organizing the Liberty Community in San Mateo County, California"

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