Thursday, January 7, 2010

INTERPOL Above the Law

Here are three links about the recent executive order signed by Barack Obama, making INTERPOL free to operate in the United States without being subject to the constraints of the Constitution.

They are now ABOVE THE LAW of the United States of America.

Thought you were angry with what he's done so far? You ain't seen nothin' yet!

There's only one way this action makes sense: The intentional surrender of our sovereignty by the President of the United States of America.

If you can think of another reasonable excuse, I'd love to hear it.

National Review

Threat Watch


hat tip/Ray W.

INTERPOL UPDATE: Friday, December 8, 2010

I was happy to hear a panel, including Charles Krauthammer, on Fox today explain that the "immunity" that Interpol is getting will NOT mean they can run around arresting or investigating American citizens without Constitutional limitations, which is certainly what the initial fear buzz indicated.

Turns out the executive order extends to Interpol the relatively benign "immunity" that the Red Cross, and as Krauthammer said, "the Swiss delegation", enjoy.

As he put it, "they won't have to pay parking tickets".

While this turns out not to warrant the somewhat breathless outrage of many bloggers, myself included, I think we can all be forgiven for leaping to the conclusions we did, given the propensities of the Marxist Grad Student in charge.

Stay tuned for further updates as this story evolves.

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