History Unfolding
I am a student of history. Professionally, I have written 15 books on history that have been published in six languages, and I have studied history all my life. I have come to think there is something monumentally large afoot, and I do not believe it is simply a banking crisis, or a mortgage crisis, or a credit crisis. Yes these exist, but they are merely single facets on a very large gemstone that is only now coming into a sharper focus.
Something of historic proportions is happening. I can sense it because I know how it feels, smells, what it looks like, and how people react to it. Yes, a perfect storm may be brewing, but there is something happening within our country that has been evolving for about ten to fifteen years. The pace has dramatically quickened in the past two.
Friday, October 30, 2009
This began as an anonymous comment on another blog, though it is often attributed to, among others, historian David Kaiser. The real author is known only as TPS.
Quote of the Day
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from
somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from
somebody else.
4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
What the "Resident" REALLY Cares About
Someone said, if you want to know what a President's priorities are, don't listen to him, his aides, or his press secretary...look at his calendar:
Just thought you'd like to know.
hat tip/Sue
OCTOBER DEADLIEST MONTH FOR US IN AFGHAN WAR, By Todd Pitman And Heidi Vogt, Associated Press Writers – Tue Oct 27, 2009
“KABUL – Roadside bombs — the biggest killer of U.S. soldiers — claimed eight more American lives Tuesday, driving the U.S. death toll to a record level for the third time in four months as President Barack Obama nears a decision on a new strategy for the troubled war.”
So what did the President do in October instead of make a decision on additional troop allotment requested by General McChrystal? He was obviously too busy to exercise his Constitutional duties as commander in chief. As per WhiteHouse.gov Briefing Room --
October 01, 2009: Speech by the President at fundraiser for the Democratic Governors Association
October 1, 2009: President Barack Obama’s Executive Order-Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging while Driving
October 02, 2009: Speech by the President after Returning from Copenhagen, Congratulating Rio de Janeiro on beating out Chicago as host for the 2016 Olympics
October 03, 2009: Weekly Address: Health Reform Urgent for the Economy
October 05, 2009: Presidential Proclamation Child Health Day
October 06, 2009: Presidential Proclamation German American Day
October 07, 2009: Presidential Proclamation - Leif Erikson Day
October 08, 2009: Speech by the President at an Astronomy Event with Students
October 09, 2009: Presidential Proclamation - National School Lunch Week
October 09, 2009: Speech by the President on Winning the Nobel Peace Prize
October 10, 2009: Weekly Address: New Momentum for Health Reform
October 11, 2009: Speech by the President at Human Rights Campaign Dinner
October 13, 2009: Speech by the President on the Senate Finance Committee's Vote to Approve Health Insurance Reform
October 13, 2009: Singer Thalía gets President Barack Obama to dance with her while singing at the "In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina," a concert celebrating Hispanic musical heritage held on the South Lawn
October 14, 2009: Executive Order - Asian American and Pacific Islander Community
October 14, 2009: Speech by the President at "In Performance At the White House Fiesta Latina"
October 15, 2009: Presidential Proclamation White Cane Safety Day, 2009
October 15, 2009: Speech by the President at DNC Fundraising Reception
October 16, 2009: Presidential Memorandum Brazil Assistance
October 16, 2009: Speech by the President at Points of Light 20th Anniversary, College Station, Texas
October 17, 2009: Weekly Address: Taking the Insurance Companies on Down the Stretch
October 18, 2009: President Obama Sends Delegation to Honor Newly Canonized Saint Damien
October 19, 2009: Presidential Proclamation - Character Counts Week, 2009
October 20, 2009: Speech by the President at DNC Fundraiser at the Hammerstein Ballroom
October 20, 2009: Speech by the President at DNC Fundraiser Dinner at the Mandarin Oriental
October 21, 2009: Speech by the President at Corzine for Governor Rally
October 22, 2009: Speech by the President at signing of the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act
October 23, 2009: Speech by the President at Governor Patrick Fundraiser General Reception
October 24, 2009: Declaration of a National Emergency with Respect to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic
October 25, 2009: President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
October 26, 2009: Speech by the President to Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL
October 27, 2009: Speech by the President on Recovery Act Funding for Smart Grid Technology in Arcadia, Florida
October 27, 2009: Speech by the President at Deeds for Governor Rally
Just thought you'd like to know.
hat tip/Sue
From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Grassfire.org Alliance
Nancy Pelosi just proudly announced the formal release of
the House version of the back-room health care reform bill...
...all 1,990 pages of it!
The bill includes everything Obama and the Democrats have
been pushing for... a public option that will destroy private
choice; the unconstitutional individual mandate; the
punitive employer mandate; draconian cuts in Medicare;
and massive tax increases.
Pelosi also started the "countdown clock" to a House floor
vote now slated for NEXT WEEK.
Go here to download the entire 1,990-page bill:
Have your message hand-delivered to Congress:
We now have just a few days to get our message through loud
and clear. That's why I'm thrilled to report that, as I write,
tens of thousands of personal letters from Grassfire team
members are being hand-delivered to key Congressional offices.
Thousands more are already slated for tomorrow's delivery.
In fact...
If you schedule your hand-delivery any time today,
your letters will be hand-delivered on the next
business day.
In other words, take five minutes to schedule your letters TODAY and they will be delivered TOMORROW (or the next day Congress is open for business). If you haven't done so already,
go here to schedule your letters to be hand-delivered:
Also... call your Senators and Rep
In addition please also call your two Senators and your Representative.
If they do not receive hand-delivered letters and calls and
other communications from constituents, they will assume
you support ObamaCare!
Sen. Feinstein 202-224-3841
Sen. Boxer 202-224-3553
Rep. Speier 202-225-3531
Or, call the switchboard and ask for your member of Congress:
202-224-3121. Be sure to tell your Senators and Representative
that you live in their state or district.
Again, Pelosi just dropped her health takeover bombshell and started
the countdown to a vote NEXT WEEK.
Thank you for taking action.
Steve Elliott, President
Grassfire.org Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to Grassfire.org are not tax deductible.
Steve Elliott, President, Grassfire.org Alliance
Nancy Pelosi just proudly announced the formal release of
the House version of the back-room health care reform bill...
...all 1,990 pages of it!
The bill includes everything Obama and the Democrats have
been pushing for... a public option that will destroy private
choice; the unconstitutional individual mandate; the
punitive employer mandate; draconian cuts in Medicare;
and massive tax increases.
Pelosi also started the "countdown clock" to a House floor
vote now slated for NEXT WEEK.
Go here to download the entire 1,990-page bill:
Have your message hand-delivered to Congress:
We now have just a few days to get our message through loud
and clear. That's why I'm thrilled to report that, as I write,
tens of thousands of personal letters from Grassfire team
members are being hand-delivered to key Congressional offices.
Thousands more are already slated for tomorrow's delivery.
In fact...
If you schedule your hand-delivery any time today,
your letters will be hand-delivered on the next
business day.
In other words, take five minutes to schedule your letters TODAY and they will be delivered TOMORROW (or the next day Congress is open for business). If you haven't done so already,
go here to schedule your letters to be hand-delivered:
Also... call your Senators and Rep
In addition please also call your two Senators and your Representative.
If they do not receive hand-delivered letters and calls and
other communications from constituents, they will assume
you support ObamaCare!
Sen. Feinstein 202-224-3841
Sen. Boxer 202-224-3553
Rep. Speier 202-225-3531
Or, call the switchboard and ask for your member of Congress:
202-224-3121. Be sure to tell your Senators and Representative
that you live in their state or district.
Again, Pelosi just dropped her health takeover bombshell and started
the countdown to a vote NEXT WEEK.
Thank you for taking action.
Steve Elliott, President
Grassfire.org Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to Grassfire.org are not tax deductible.
Update on "NancyCare" c/o Gloria
Dividing and penalizing Americans: the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962)
October 29th, 2009
Take Back Medicine.com
The latest iteration of Democrats’ “health care reform” legislation, dubbed NancyCare, is the longest so far, 1990 pages. Basically it is the same as H.R. 3200.
Provisions can be broadly categorized by effect: tax increasing, cost increasing, choice decreasing, hassle increasing, wealth redistributing, and growth punishing.
It segments Americans into categories by economic status: families and individuals by income (as if income were a static characteristic), and business size by payroll and number of employees. Supposed affordability of premiums, level of responsibility for payments, and eligibility for subsidies (wealth transfers from others) vary according to which box one fits into.
Read more or comment: HERE
October 29th, 2009
Take Back Medicine.com
The latest iteration of Democrats’ “health care reform” legislation, dubbed NancyCare, is the longest so far, 1990 pages. Basically it is the same as H.R. 3200.
Provisions can be broadly categorized by effect: tax increasing, cost increasing, choice decreasing, hassle increasing, wealth redistributing, and growth punishing.
It segments Americans into categories by economic status: families and individuals by income (as if income were a static characteristic), and business size by payroll and number of employees. Supposed affordability of premiums, level of responsibility for payments, and eligibility for subsidies (wealth transfers from others) vary according to which box one fits into.
Read more or comment: HERE
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
As we decided at last week's meeting, we have to hit the phones EVERY DAY until the train wreck that is Nationalized Healthcare...or more properly, Socialized Medicine - is AVERTED!
Here are the targets: First your own representatives, and then the Senators that can be swayed.
California/Peninsula Representatives:
Barbara Boxer
(no fax listed)
Dianne Feinstein
FAX 415-393-0710
Jackie Speier (12th District)
FAX 650-375-8270
Anna Eshoo (14th District)
650-323-2984 or
FAX 650-323-3498
Other Republican Senators:
Olympia Snowe (Maine)
Toll Free: 800-432-1599
FAX 202-224-1946
Susan Collins (Maine)
FAX 202-224-2693
George Voinovich (Ohio)
(no fax listed)
Other Democrat Senators
Ben Nelson (Nebraska)
FAX 202-228-0012
Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas)
FAX 202-228-1371
Mary Landrieu (Louisiana)
FAX 202-224-9735
Joe Lieberman (Connecticut)
FAX 202-224-9750
Here are the targets: First your own representatives, and then the Senators that can be swayed.
California/Peninsula Representatives:
Barbara Boxer
(no fax listed)
Dianne Feinstein
FAX 415-393-0710
Jackie Speier (12th District)
FAX 650-375-8270
Anna Eshoo (14th District)
650-323-2984 or
FAX 650-323-3498
Other Republican Senators:
Olympia Snowe (Maine)
Toll Free: 800-432-1599
FAX 202-224-1946
Susan Collins (Maine)
FAX 202-224-2693
George Voinovich (Ohio)
(no fax listed)
Other Democrat Senators
Ben Nelson (Nebraska)
FAX 202-228-0012
Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas)
FAX 202-228-1371
Mary Landrieu (Louisiana)
FAX 202-224-9735
Joe Lieberman (Connecticut)
FAX 202-224-9750
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Highest Value
I was talking to a friend this weekend...about the philosophical underpinnings of Conservatism, and how important it is to "know what you believe, and why". And the simpler you make that statement of belief...the less equivocal it is, the easier to remember, and the easier to communicate to others.
And here's what I came up with: "What is the highest Human Value?"
That question, and its answer are the bedrock upon which all values, virtues and principles stand.
Is it Love? Sacrifice? Equality? Compassion? Hope? Peace? Truth? Honor? Courage? Loyalty?
None of these are possible without the Highest Value. Indeed, WE are not possible without it.
The Highest—because it is required for all the others—Human Value is: FREEDOM
Without it no other virtues are possible. Without the freedom to choose them, there are no virtues, just behaviors. Forced tolerance is not love. Obeying speech codes is not respect or compassion. Fear of punishment for dissent isn't loyalty. Without Freedom, the Highest Value...no other Values can exist.
Therefore Freedom must always be the standard by which all things are measured: ideas, laws, policies, philosophies, personalities, promises...
No matter how good or compassionate or moral or honorable or loving the arguments or the promised results of a policy or philosophy seem, if it decreases human freedom it is evil.
And the one thing that ALWAYS decreases individual human freedom is the growth of the power of the State. It is a zero-sum game: The more power the government has, the less liberty individuals have. The more liberty individuals have, the less power government has. You cannot have both a big, powerful government, and flourishing individual liberties. They are incompatible.
Every encroachment upon liberty (beyond that minimum to preserve an order which guarantees freedom for all) is a crime against humanity. Because every decrease in individual freedom makes us less human. It reduces our ability to reach our individual potential, it limits our development, our curiosity, our imaginations. It cripples our souls.
In Liberty, Humanity. In Liberty, Possibility. In Liberty, Glory. In Liberty, Salvation.
And here's what I came up with: "What is the highest Human Value?"
That question, and its answer are the bedrock upon which all values, virtues and principles stand.
Is it Love? Sacrifice? Equality? Compassion? Hope? Peace? Truth? Honor? Courage? Loyalty?
None of these are possible without the Highest Value. Indeed, WE are not possible without it.
The Highest—because it is required for all the others—Human Value is: FREEDOM
Without it no other virtues are possible. Without the freedom to choose them, there are no virtues, just behaviors. Forced tolerance is not love. Obeying speech codes is not respect or compassion. Fear of punishment for dissent isn't loyalty. Without Freedom, the Highest Value...no other Values can exist.
Therefore Freedom must always be the standard by which all things are measured: ideas, laws, policies, philosophies, personalities, promises...
No matter how good or compassionate or moral or honorable or loving the arguments or the promised results of a policy or philosophy seem, if it decreases human freedom it is evil.
And the one thing that ALWAYS decreases individual human freedom is the growth of the power of the State. It is a zero-sum game: The more power the government has, the less liberty individuals have. The more liberty individuals have, the less power government has. You cannot have both a big, powerful government, and flourishing individual liberties. They are incompatible.
Every encroachment upon liberty (beyond that minimum to preserve an order which guarantees freedom for all) is a crime against humanity. Because every decrease in individual freedom makes us less human. It reduces our ability to reach our individual potential, it limits our development, our curiosity, our imaginations. It cripples our souls.
In Liberty, Humanity. In Liberty, Possibility. In Liberty, Glory. In Liberty, Salvation.
States Fight Back
"Tennessee is urging 49 other states to come together and create a "joint working group between the states" to combat unconstitutional federal legislation and assert state rights.
Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen signed HJR 108, the State Sovereignty Resolution on June 23.
According to the Tenth Amendment Center, the resolution created a committee to form a joint working group between the states to enumerate the abuses of authority by the federal government and seek repeal of imposed mandates."
Friday, October 23, 2009
10/22/09 Meeting
We had another great meeting on Thursday (yesterday) with good attendance, and a lot of "audience" participation. Mobsters are such an unruly crowd.
Special thanks to Priscilla, Leonard and George, Committee Commissars, and Terry and Pete for their informative presentations, and to Jack, who I never called on....sorry Jack...blame all those rowdy conservatives!
And thanks for all the other participants who had so much to offer, and such interesting comments and questions.
In the final analysis, we came to an important conclusion: We have been so bombarded with outrages from the current administration (and their collaborators in Congress) that sometimes it's hard to keep up. It seems that every day there is a new emergency we have to address. We have so much to do to stop them from destroying out country, that we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and sometimes, scattered.
And it's no damned wonder!
But as a very productive, if animated, exchange at the meeting demonstrated, there is a way to do it all:
We have to prioritize our list...recognizing what is immediately life-or-death critical and pour our efforts into that, while at the same time, not losing sight of the long term strategic planning that will take our movement into the future.
To both ends...our immediate critical battle is over health care. As George pointed out....if we lose this one, we lose our country. We have decided to focus energy in accordance with Michelle Bachmann's advice: Get in touch with our three representatives EVERY DAY...and tell them that we oppose the Democrats' and Obama's "Health Care Reform".
Terry helped us understand that the most effective way to communicate was to FAX their LOCAL offices. They are smaller, use actual FAX machines with actual paper...are more intimate and actually SEE the faxes...whereas D.C. offices are entirely digital, and even faxes are merely listed on a long computer compilation, and reported in batches of for/against. Letters take weeks to be received because of security concerns...they are re-routed to be searched and tested. While they USED to be the most effective, they are not in today's climate.
The order of effectiveness is: FAX, Phone, email....letters (because of the delay) So if you don't have a FAX....call, call, call!
However, in addition to that, George made the point that we should also focus on Democrats who are on the fence about this reform, and tell them that though we are not in their districts or states, we encourage them to do what's best for the whole country, and remind them that while we can't vote against them...we can contribute to their opponents if they vote in favor of this Bill. They will be getting intense pressure from the White House to fall in line, and hearing from a lot of us may help them stand up to the intimidation.
The leading argument today is COST. It is what is causing concern for everyone...even Democrats. I suggest we focus on that. They may not necessarily be amenable to our "Free Market" arguments...but they seem to getting a clue that bankrupting the nation, and their own grandchildren, might not be a good idea!
George has promised to compile a list of those Democrats we should contact...and as soon as he gets it to me, I'll post it, and email to all. Meanwhile...start calling your representatives TODAY...and continue all through the month of November. Let them know that we Tea Partiers haven't gone ANYWHERE!
As to the longer-term strategy, the fact is that even if we beat this attempt to take over health care, the totalitarians are not going away. They've been trying to do this for decades. And coming as close as they are this time will only motivate them to keep trying. So we have to not only organize OUR community to resist, we need to EDUCATE the rest to do so.
Priscilla reported that the young, who knee-jerkily support the idea of "Universal Health Care" as long as they just hear the title, and believe the sound-bites put out by Øbama, et al. However, once they hear the facts, the cost and the impact on their lives, they change their minds rather dramatically.
Therefore, it was suggested that we reach out to the local youth, and try to educate them about "government health care" so that when it comes up again, as it invariably will...we will have innoculated them against "falling for" the lies. And we will have helped make better, more informed citizens.
To that end, Dwight has volunteered (or was he drafted?) to reach out to the various local college Republican/conservative groups to start that process. We'll be talking more about how that campaign should work as we go along.
* * *
Another exciting development for P912P: To foster and assist continuing communication among all of us, Terry has volunteered to set up a Forum for Peninsula 9.12 Project discussions. You will be getting an invitation to join as soon as it's up and running.
Finally, next meeting, Thursday November 5, we'll be screening "Not Evil, Just Wrong"
Don't miss it! See Calendar of Events for details.
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who attended Thursday...and all of you who have and who will. We're building the Liberty Community in San Mateo County. Don't be left out! If you believe in freedom, you can't afford to sit on the sidelines in these perilous time.
But, while they are dangerous...they are also admittedly "exciting" times. Be part of history, and part of the solution. Join the Peninsula 9.12 Project if you haven't already...and come meet us at the next meeting—we're looking forward to meeting YOU!
Special thanks to Priscilla, Leonard and George, Committee Commissars, and Terry and Pete for their informative presentations, and to Jack, who I never called on....sorry Jack...blame all those rowdy conservatives!
And thanks for all the other participants who had so much to offer, and such interesting comments and questions.
In the final analysis, we came to an important conclusion: We have been so bombarded with outrages from the current administration (and their collaborators in Congress) that sometimes it's hard to keep up. It seems that every day there is a new emergency we have to address. We have so much to do to stop them from destroying out country, that we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and sometimes, scattered.
And it's no damned wonder!
But as a very productive, if animated, exchange at the meeting demonstrated, there is a way to do it all:
We have to prioritize our list...recognizing what is immediately life-or-death critical and pour our efforts into that, while at the same time, not losing sight of the long term strategic planning that will take our movement into the future.
To both ends...our immediate critical battle is over health care. As George pointed out....if we lose this one, we lose our country. We have decided to focus energy in accordance with Michelle Bachmann's advice: Get in touch with our three representatives EVERY DAY...and tell them that we oppose the Democrats' and Obama's "Health Care Reform".
Terry helped us understand that the most effective way to communicate was to FAX their LOCAL offices. They are smaller, use actual FAX machines with actual paper...are more intimate and actually SEE the faxes...whereas D.C. offices are entirely digital, and even faxes are merely listed on a long computer compilation, and reported in batches of for/against. Letters take weeks to be received because of security concerns...they are re-routed to be searched and tested. While they USED to be the most effective, they are not in today's climate.
The order of effectiveness is: FAX, Phone, email....letters (because of the delay) So if you don't have a FAX....call, call, call!
However, in addition to that, George made the point that we should also focus on Democrats who are on the fence about this reform, and tell them that though we are not in their districts or states, we encourage them to do what's best for the whole country, and remind them that while we can't vote against them...we can contribute to their opponents if they vote in favor of this Bill. They will be getting intense pressure from the White House to fall in line, and hearing from a lot of us may help them stand up to the intimidation.
The leading argument today is COST. It is what is causing concern for everyone...even Democrats. I suggest we focus on that. They may not necessarily be amenable to our "Free Market" arguments...but they seem to getting a clue that bankrupting the nation, and their own grandchildren, might not be a good idea!
George has promised to compile a list of those Democrats we should contact...and as soon as he gets it to me, I'll post it, and email to all. Meanwhile...start calling your representatives TODAY...and continue all through the month of November. Let them know that we Tea Partiers haven't gone ANYWHERE!
As to the longer-term strategy, the fact is that even if we beat this attempt to take over health care, the totalitarians are not going away. They've been trying to do this for decades. And coming as close as they are this time will only motivate them to keep trying. So we have to not only organize OUR community to resist, we need to EDUCATE the rest to do so.
Priscilla reported that the young, who knee-jerkily support the idea of "Universal Health Care" as long as they just hear the title, and believe the sound-bites put out by Øbama, et al. However, once they hear the facts, the cost and the impact on their lives, they change their minds rather dramatically.
Therefore, it was suggested that we reach out to the local youth, and try to educate them about "government health care" so that when it comes up again, as it invariably will...we will have innoculated them against "falling for" the lies. And we will have helped make better, more informed citizens.
To that end, Dwight has volunteered (or was he drafted?) to reach out to the various local college Republican/conservative groups to start that process. We'll be talking more about how that campaign should work as we go along.
* * *
Another exciting development for P912P: To foster and assist continuing communication among all of us, Terry has volunteered to set up a Forum for Peninsula 9.12 Project discussions. You will be getting an invitation to join as soon as it's up and running.
Finally, next meeting, Thursday November 5, we'll be screening "Not Evil, Just Wrong"
"Commencing a full blown attack on the hypocrisy and ill-conceived policies of the modern environmental movement, Not Evil Just Wrong is a feature length documentary that shows how extreme environmentalism is damaging the lives of the most vulnerable populations in the developed and developing world. With examples from Indiana to Uganda the film shows how Global Warming "solutions" will destroy jobs and livelihoods in America during one of the biggest recessions in living memory."
Don't miss it! See Calendar of Events for details.
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who attended Thursday...and all of you who have and who will. We're building the Liberty Community in San Mateo County. Don't be left out! If you believe in freedom, you can't afford to sit on the sidelines in these perilous time.
But, while they are dangerous...they are also admittedly "exciting" times. Be part of history, and part of the solution. Join the Peninsula 9.12 Project if you haven't already...and come meet us at the next meeting—we're looking forward to meeting YOU!
Stop Net-Neutrality!
"I am pleased that there is broad agreement inside the commission that we should move forward with a healthy and transparent process on an open Internet," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said.
Yeah, right.
FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski is Marxist promoter of "social justice" which, in case you need a translation, means Communistic Redistribution of your money and property. It's a pretty safe bet that anything he's in favor of....I'm opposed to. And this is a good example.
This innocuous sounding quote—I just love the way they pepper their totalitarian speech with words like "healthy and transparent" and "open". Just like they use "democracy" when they mean "socialism", knowing most Americans hear "democracy" and think "republic"—is banging the drum for government CONTROL of CONTENT of the internet. And don't let his harmless sounding rhetoric fool you.
Julius Genachhowski is a habitue of Free Press, which the Media Research Center and NewBusters.org call "the Media Reform Wing of the Social Justice Movement", and co-author of The Structural Imbalance of Talk Radio, in which he argued for the government to "remedy" the "problem" of conservative talk radio, by among other things, forcing commercial owners who fail to abide by their (fairness doctrine?) rules to pay a fee that would subsidize (Leftwing) Public Broadcasting.
Public Comment on this further Government Grab of our freedoms...and those of commercial enterprises....and threat to the economic free market and the free exchange of ideas—is open until January 14. Please bombard them every day....EVERY DAY...with comments AGAINST this attempt to take over and destroy this last frontier of freedom! And get every one of your liberty-loving friends to do the same thing.
Do it HERE. Click on the number 07-52. "Commission Inquiry Into Broadband Market Practices Docket, which will take you to a form for filing a comment.
Oh...and for once, John McCain gets it right:
With the threat of of a court fight looming, Democrats in Congress are mulling legislative options to promote net neutrality. But Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican, said he introduced legislation on Thursday aimed at prohibiting the FCC from enacting rules to regulate the Internet.
You might want to send him a "atta boy".
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Our Local Tea Party "Mobstress"
Confessions of a San Francisco Tea Party Mobstress by Sally Zelikovsky of Bay Area Patriots.
It's a great piece...and her passion and commitment should be an inspiration to us all...
To the best of my knowledge, this is unprecedented: average citizens taking on a radical President, who is hell bent on eradicating our way of life and replacing it with something out of Moscow from thirty years ago, and doing so in the country's most radical city! San Francisco's tea partiers are a small but significant cog in the tea party wheel that is seeking to prevent Obama from imposing a regime on this nation that is inimical to every principle on which this country was founded, every life sacrificed for those principles and every fiber on which our founding documents were crafted.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Will CNN Sense the Monster Hiding in the Dark?
And now... the first brick in the wall, of the Left building a "reasonable argument" for a government takeover of the Media.
Of course, I'm just a crazy paranoid.
Of course, I'm just a crazy paranoid.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Senate Energy Committee will hold hearings this Wednesday on "the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances." We should let the committee (202 224-4971 or e-mail) or any of the senators on the committee (list here) know we think of cap-and-tax and the damage it will do to the economy.
Jack Wallace & Kerry Patterson, Energy Committee
Jack Wallace & Kerry Patterson, Energy Committee
ACTION ALERT - Education
Hello fellow patriots;
Assemblyman Jerry Hill has called for a townhall meeting for October 28, 2009. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm and is scheduled to run until 8:30 pm. This meeting will be held at Hillsdale High School Cafeteria, 3115 Del Monte Street, San Mateo. This is near the corner of Alameda de las Pulgas and 31st Ave.
Arnold Schwarzeneggar has signed the "Harvey Milk Day" legislation. This is to raise the awareness of gay, lesbian and transgender people in the schools, starting in kindergarten. Jerry voted "yea" on this bill.
How do you feel about that? Come and let Jerry know.
Education Commissar
Guest Author: Rob Heagy, Jr.
American Ideals in Order to Have an Honest and Transparent Government
Our Founding Fathers established a near perfect system of government, A Constitutional Republic. The reason it is near perfect and not perfect is the human element. Even the Founding Fathers warned us against what might happen if we did not stay vigilant in our quest of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The human element would corrupt our very foundations of government and civil liberties, this has come to pass. We have evolved into a two party system that promotes only the two parties. Neither the Democrat nor Republican Party serve the people, now they serve each other to maintain control over the political process which control the masses.
We all listen to various pundits who promote numerous issues of the day. We the people discuss civil rights, and all the other rights, including the right to life. I am not saying that these issues are not important for our society; I am saying that the two major political parties have divided and conquered the political process. We the people, have become so entangled and confused by the powers to be, we have forgotten or just don’t give a damn about what really matters. There is a saying “When you are up to your ass in alligators, it is really difficult to remember, your first responsibility was to drain the swamp.”
Now what I am going to propose might upset some and even inflame others, but please read on through. Our first problem is a common language. I am not picking one language over another that has been done by popular consent. English is the first language of America and it has become the language of the world. Even Airline Pilots use English on international flights as the common language of communication. Most industrialized countries mandate English to be taught in all schools to all children. I am not discounting any other languages; they have been incorporated into the English Language. America is a land composed of a vast majority of English speaking people, and those who came before who did not speak English learned the language in order to become a functioning part of this great country. Personally I had many of my ancestors who came to this country speaking a language other than English, who learned the language of this country. I like many other Americans can speak and understand some words in other languages, but I read, write, and comprehend in English. This is really a good thing when a society communicates in one common language, there is less confusion and misunderstanding. Now I do encourage that all school children must take one year of any foreign language they choose. We as a society should be versatile with other languages. It even helps understanding how many languages English has incorporated into its own. So my proposal is that all government documents only be printed in English. This would insure that we all understand what everybody else understands and it would trim probably billions from our government budgets. And last but not least, those of us who only read and write in English would be assured that we all are voting on and for the same issues. I do believe that to become an American Citizen you must be able to read and write in English. So why do we have ballots printed in any other language other than English Only?
Now that brings me to voting in general. We are now all voting in English, (or we should be) so we all understand, and there are no hidden agendas or mistranslations to any other language. That would insure that we all understand what we and others are voting for or against. Next we need to streamline our voting process. I do believe that we suffer from voter fatigue. This is caused by two major reasons. The first reason is that we are bombarded with one election after another, and voters are very upset every time they vote some judge over turns the will of the people. Elections should be held every other year. We elect Congressmen every two years, so all other officials and ballot measures should be included in our Congressional elections. We the people do not have the time nor is there anything so pressing that we can not delay it until the next Congressional election. Look at all the Special Elections we have throughout the country. The only exception to this should be for a recall of officials who are acting outside the scope of their Constitutional Authority. Having elections every other year would greatly decrease voter fatigue, fraud, and down right apathy to the electoral process. (It would also decrease the government expenditures on elections.)
We should also implement some general rules of civility when it comes to our elections. All candidates and ballot measures should be held to the highest standards. Instead of making rules for donations and all the other superfluous bullshit the politicians say will make our elections more fair and open; Let us hold them to only making honest campaign commercials. Any false allegations by either side, either by candidates or people promoting ballot measures, shall be punishable by either disqualification or retraction (100 fold) by the side in violation. I know this is difficult to enforce but we must try. The politicians get away with liable and slander. This is not acceptable in Constitutional Republic; in fact it is down right destructive. When holding elections, all campaigns, news media, and election officials must cease and desist from running any ads or reporting on any and all campaigns and results from 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time prior to the polls opening on the East Coast; until 12:00 AM Hawaiian Standard Time after the polls are closed in Hawaii. This would allow people from coast to coast to participate in open and fair elections with no organized intervention. This favors no one, and allows all to go to the polls believing their vote still counts. We need to do away with electronic voting until we can guarantee absolute accuracy and integrity with electronic balloting; until then we vote by paper ballot and have hand counting. Yes this would take maybe a week to gather totals, but what is the hurry. I believe we would rather have fair and impartial elections, rather than fast and corrupt.
This brings us to Congressional and other representatives elected by the people according to population (Assemblymen, Council Members, etc.). If you look across the country how the various districts have been gerrymandered for the advantage of the two major political parties. This discourages 3rd party candidates from ascending to any prominence. They have divided up our country to stack the deck against we the people of having any control over the People’s House. Yes that is what our Founding Fathers referred to the House of Representatives. You can go to the internet and look up the Congressional Districts in each state. Some of the districts are so drawn that they have districts that includes parts of various cities and sometimes are not contiguous. Then there are some that look more like body parts than Congressional Districts. This would be so easy to reconcile. Require all Congressional Districts to have their boundaries drawn using County Lines, City Lines, and Zip Codes and all districts must be contiguous. First you would use county lines, then city lines as the borders for Congressional Districts. Then if you must divide cities that are large like New York and others, you would use the zip codes to make the Congressional Districts. I will give you two examples of gerrymandering of districts. California’s 10th Congressional District. This district includes parts of 4 counties and divides cities and zip codes between other Congressional Districts. The other one is the 2nd Congressional District in Illinois. This one is divided by another district and it is not contiguous, sitting in the middle of Chicago. You have constituents who do not even live in the same neighborhoods or the neighborhoods are divided among two or three districts. The politicians did this on purpose for their own political gains; not because it would make the constituents better represented. There are many more districts that are so gerrymandered, and they too must be corrected. To make these changes would be difficult, because many of us have lived in these gerrymandered districts so long, to change them would be going against what some believe is their representation. In order to make the representatives accountable to the people, their districts must represent established communities, not some virtual political community.
We need to take back our educational system. We have changed from public education to government indoctrination. That is right, our schools do not educate anymore, they indoctrinate our children into belief systems. Our educational system has one function, to educate the masses so they will be able to be an intelligent electorate. This means the schools need to assure all students be educated to be competent in the English language. This leads back to my first premise so we can all communicate intelligently together. Next they need teach our children math, no they don’t need to understand quantum physics, but they must be able to do all the fundamentals (add, subtract, multiply, and divide including fractions and decimals) and yes they must balance a check book. (Not even Barbara Boxer could balance her checking account) Then they need to instruct our students in our Constitutional Republic. Yes teach them how our country came to be and the legitimate function of our government and its Constitutional Limitations. That is right; our government does not have the right to do whatever it wants. Our public schools need to teach our children reading, writing, arithmetic, civics, and history. And in order to have a well rounded education, we need art, music, drama classes, shop classes, ROTC, and P.E. This will make us educated citizens and not indoctrinated subjects.
Instead of us arguing about what the politicians put in front of us and pitting one group against another. Those of us who are citizens of the United States of America need to unite as one. We need to take back our country from the politicians and special interest. In order to do this we need to educate ourselves and our children. Stop letting the politicians dictate what we can and can’t do. It is our country and the politicians and bureaucrats work for us. Remember we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights these were to protect “We The People” from an overbearing corrupt government. But we must be educated and informed so we make rationale decisions about our lives and future.
Yes all the other issues we are confronted with today, from abortion, immigration, taxes, health care, the military, and all the others are important and they must be properly reconciled so we can function as a society. But if we don’t deal with the fundamentals and correct them, we will be constantly chasing whatever the politicians and bureaucrats say we need to be concerned about. Our government is too big and the politicians have become overbearing. We the citizens are the government and we don’t need politicians and bureaucrats in our daily lives. Thomas Jefferson said it best “A Government that governs least governs best.” Please take back your life and your children’s future, don’t allow the politicians to put us any further in debt with more superfluous rules and regulations.
We are Americans, we stay informed and involved, and we make our voices heard. Our President and Congress report to us. We are members of the 9-12 Project, please join us. Together we stand, united we soar.
The opinions expressed above are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of all members of the Peninsula 9.12 Project
Washington vs the People
The Grassroots are not only restless, we are in Revolt! Too many Republican Party hacks still haven't gotten the message. Bill Wilson at the Washington Times, in his article The Restless Grassroots understands the problem: the "Congressional wing and the people..." Or as I prefer to frame it: The arrogant bastards in Washington vs We the People who hired them!
However, as recent events reveal, such a formulation misses the point. In fact, the real battle being waged is between Washington insiders - as represented by the congressional wing of the Republican Party - and grass-roots Americans from all walks of life throughout the country.
The actual events that prompted this observation were hardly anything of consequence. The gadfly, wannabe "cool" chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, issued a policy statement titled a "Health Care Bill of Rights." Within days, Senate Republicans led by Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander lashed out at Mr. Steele, intoning, "We are elected to set the policy."
And that, in a nutshell, points up the real fight being waged in Washington today. The congressional wing has grown alienated from the very people who sent them to Washington.Looks like word is getting out. Now let's hope Washington is listening.
Apparently Obama's White House has drawn the battle lines. And they have determined that Fox News is "the enemy".
When you read this story, if you're not completely infuriated by the unbelievable arrogance of this Administration, call someone to check your pulse.
And one thing you might remember as you do is the lightning fast sniper response to criticism from Fox News, versus the slogging, slow, dragging, hesitating, dithering response to the request for troops in a real war, where Americans are dying.
Here are just a few tidbits of the sort of tactics the "Leader of the Free World", the "President of all the people", and "sworn defender of the Constitution" and its First Amendment, which includes "freedom of the press":
...while CNN "fact-checks" skits on Saturday Night Live, to see if they've been unfair to Obama!
And others see this as a tactical—maybe even a strategic mistake for the pinheads in the White House. New York Times media columnist David Carr wrote:
When you read this story, if you're not completely infuriated by the unbelievable arrogance of this Administration, call someone to check your pulse.
And one thing you might remember as you do is the lightning fast sniper response to criticism from Fox News, versus the slogging, slow, dragging, hesitating, dithering response to the request for troops in a real war, where Americans are dying.
Here are just a few tidbits of the sort of tactics the "Leader of the Free World", the "President of all the people", and "sworn defender of the Constitution" and its First Amendment, which includes "freedom of the press":
Obama senior adviser David Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is "not a news organization."
"Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way," Axelrod counseled ABC's George Stephanopoulos. "We're not going to treat them that way."This should be insulting to the Fringe Media...to be thought of as such lap dogs that they obey when commanded to eat their own!
The White House stopped providing guests to 'Fox News Sunday' after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."
"She criticized 'FOX News Sunday' last week for fact-checking -- fact-checking -- an administration official," Wallace said Sunday. "They didn't say that our fact-checking was wrong. They just said that we had dared to fact-check."The clear implication is that "news" organizations are supposed to listen politely to whatever this administration's flacks say, broadcast it as factual truth, and never question them...
...while CNN "fact-checks" skits on Saturday Night Live, to see if they've been unfair to Obama!
Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente said: "Surprisingly, the White House continues to declare war on a news organization instead of focusing on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about like jobs, health care and two wars. The door remains open and we welcome a discussion about the facts behind the issues."Mr. Clemente displays a lot more decorum and patience with this rogue Administration than I would.
And others see this as a tactical—maybe even a strategic mistake for the pinheads in the White House. New York Times media columnist David Carr wrote:
"So far, the only winner in this latest dispute seems to be Fox News. Ratings are up 20 percent this year. The administration, by deploying official resources against a troublesome media organization, seems to have brought a knife to a gunfight."This kind of strong-arm, clear-the-field tactic has worked for Obama his entire career. But maybe Chicago thug tactics don't work on the national/international stage with the entire world watching.
Mao Fan Tells of "Controlling the Media"
Anita Dunn, admitted Mao enthusiast, has explained (bragged?) how the Obama campaign controlled the media.
I'm sure her hero would be proud.
The question is, what do Americans think about it?
I'm sure her hero would be proud.
The question is, what do Americans think about it?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
WSJ writer, typically, misses the point
About the NY House race in which the RINO candidate, Dede Scozzafava, is going to lose because the a third candidate, Doug Hoffman, who actually is a Conservative, is siphoning votes away from the pathetic GOP choice...
...the Journal writer has this to say:
He seems to think that this so-called "strategy" is a sensible one, a winning one, and is being "threatened" by the demands of the ideological extreme.
This conventional wisdom has been proven so wrong so many times in so many ways, by so many people that it's amazing that anyone who can read a cereal box still believes it.
We have to be vigilant against this false and self-defeating notion. We will hear it from friends, opponents, and certainly Party leadership. But, ultimately the GOP will learn to stand for conservatism, or it will go the way of the Whigs.
And honestly, I almost think it would be easier to create a new Conservative Party from scratch than to clean out the Augean Stable that is the Republican party
...the Journal writer has this to say:
But these newly energized conservatives present GOP leaders with a potential problem: The party's strategy for attracting moderate voters risks alienating activists who are demanding ideological purity, who may then gravitate to other candidates or stay at home. It's a classic dilemma faced by parties in the minority -- tension between those who want a return to the party's ideological roots and those who want candidates most likely to win in their districts.
He seems to think that this so-called "strategy" is a sensible one, a winning one, and is being "threatened" by the demands of the ideological extreme.
This conventional wisdom has been proven so wrong so many times in so many ways, by so many people that it's amazing that anyone who can read a cereal box still believes it.
We have to be vigilant against this false and self-defeating notion. We will hear it from friends, opponents, and certainly Party leadership. But, ultimately the GOP will learn to stand for conservatism, or it will go the way of the Whigs.
And honestly, I almost think it would be easier to create a new Conservative Party from scratch than to clean out the Augean Stable that is the Republican party
From David Harmer's Campaign
Friend --
As the old saying in politics goes, "If they are attacking you, you must be doing something right!" That something right is standing up in strong opposition to the massive expansion of government spending, deficits and debt coming out of Washington.
Quote of the Day
Okay, two...
"To paraphrase Lindsey Graham, the Republican Party is not being hijacked by angry white men, it's being hijacked by angry white wimps." - Robert RosencransAnd particularly apropos:
"Lindsey Graham is an example of what you get when you vote for the "lesser of two evils." - Josiah McGuffogwtp
"We're here to help"
The Feds interfere with local law enforcement of immigration laws. Typically, it sounds like they're "helping", but they're not.
What Morton means, of course, is that law enforcement, not illegals, will "enjoy" greater limitations and scrutiny. Just what we need.
That'll fix it.
The new agreement allows for "greater accountability and transparency," including regular audits and closer federal inspection, said Mr. Morton, assistant secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
What Morton means, of course, is that law enforcement, not illegals, will "enjoy" greater limitations and scrutiny. Just what we need.
Under the new agreements, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., who has come under fire for his immigration sweeps, will continue to work with federal authorities when illegal immigrants are booked into his jail. But Sheriff Arpaio's office will not be given the power to arrest such people, as it previously had, federal officials said.
That'll fix it.
Movie Review
Well, this is a drag. I was looking forward to this one:
Hollywood can screw up a wet....oh...family blog....Hollywood can mess up anything.
Where the Wild Things Are: Nowhere you'd like to be...
Where the Wild Things Are is a misleadingly adventuresome title for the bizarrely dreary and depressing film version of Maurice Sendak’s beloved children’s book. They should have called it Monsters of Prozac.
Another First Person Report from the SF Tea Party Obama Protest
Obama sneaks into back door to avoid 2000 Tea Party Protesters in San Francisco...
And in it...we worry warts are properly chastised.
Lesson learned.
Kudos to all.
"Don't Tread On Me" Snake Surrounds the Capitol
The new blog picture says "We Surround Them" without a word.
It's part of the new banner at the 9.12 Project Website.
Seemed appropriate.
And before our very eyes...this is how it works!
Read the previous post for background on this one.
The Washington Times has the Story: Tea Partiers, GOP regulars scuffle in N. Y. House race.
In a New York House race, evidence of the pressure of demanding Conservative bona fides, and refusing to just vote "R" is already netting results.
The Washington Times has the Story: Tea Partiers, GOP regulars scuffle in N. Y. House race.
Yes, it's possible that the fight between the Conservative Party candidate and the Republican one may give a victory to the Democrat....this time. But look how fast the GOP is learning.
They see that it is necessary—in NEW YORK—to offer a Conservative candidate to capture what they once thought of as "Republican" voters. They're learning that they can no longer take them for granted —they even made her sign a Taxpayer Protection Pledge "to fortify her conservative credentials..."
Do you think that next time they'll nominate another "moderate" to run for that office if they lose the election because too many of their core voters voted for the Conservative Party candidate?
I'm thinking not.
Some rank-and-file House Republicans privately say they have written off Mrs. Scozzafava's chances in the Nov. 3 special election.The members say she is a weak candidate who can't rally the district's conservative voters, echoing complaints of Republican-allied activist groups who complain that the pro-choice Mrs. Scozzafava is more liberal even than her Democratic opponent.
The question is, of course, why was this woman nominated in the first place? Why is she running as a Republican?
Because the GOP leadership has no more respect for conservative principles or voters than Democrat leadership.
And if she should win the election, or draw most of the Republican votes because Conservatives vote for the "R" just to keep the "D" out of office, the GOP will have learned nothing...and they'll feel free to foist another unacceptable candidate the next time, because Conservatives will have proved they can be frightened into voting for Party instead of Principle.
But the voters of New York, the Tea Party Patriots....by refusing to be stampeded by fear, and holding to Principles, are forcing the GOP to at least open one eye and smell the revolution—even if this time it's only resulted in their trying to put Conservative lipstick on a Liberal pig.
Somebody obviously got the message.
It's a good demonstration of the power of Principle over Party. And one we have to duplicate all over the country. Time for us to make it happen in San Mateo County —and California.
We can't let the New Yorkers show us up!
P.S. Can SOMEBODY please make Newt Gingrich go away!
The Pledge
When we began "We the People" of San Mateo County, we started with three goals:
1) Stop ObamaCare
2) Stop Cap & Trade
3) "Throw the Bums Out"
The first two are obvious. The third caused some consternation because traditional wisdom tells us that if you "throw" the Republican out...chances are you get a Democrat.
And everyone agrees that's a lousy result.
But for too long, we've been voting the "lesser of two evils"—and ended up with "evil" as our representative. Well, we see where that has got us. The state of the nation today is a direct result of that kind of thinking...and that kind of voting.
When you do what we did, you get what we've got.
Voting for the "R" just to keep the "D" out of office is NOT WORKING. We have the most corrupt, unresponsive, insulated, spendthrift, controlling, regulating, taxing government ever.
All we've done is give the Republicans permission to nominate principle-free party hacks with little or no respect for The People they're supposed to represent; weak-willed stooges who will do what they're told and are highly susceptible to the temptations of privilege, popularity, power and greed.
If we want our government to change—we have to change. And nothing will if we continue to do the same thing expecting different results.
We will only prove we are too stupid or too insane to govern ourselves.
We're not.
And all around us, people are figuring out that we have to change the way we do things, change the template, change the paradigm. Glenn Beck is the most prominent voice to proclaim that it's no longer about Parties, but about Principles. I suggest we listen.
Pajamas Media's Jeff Pope has joined that choir, and his piece today is essential reading if you want to understand just what we're up against, and why a new politics is critically important.
Unless we break the back of the insiders' club that is Washington, D.C. (and most State governments) we will continue on he road to serfdom, and bequeath our children, and theirs, a life of subjection instead of freedom.
As I see it, we have no choice if we are to ever call ourselves "Americans" with pride again.
We need to implement this program, or something like it. No more dancing with the devil. If the Republican Party wants to return to its roots as full-throated defenders of individual rights and the free market, of limited government, of low taxes, of less regulation...fine. They have to prove it. And if it takes losing a few elections because Republicans & Independents refuse to vote for squishy "moderate" political hacks they nominate, until they get the clear, strong and unequivocal message, SO BE IT.
It's the best, and perhaps the ONLY chance to make them obey us...instead of stampeding us down the road to perdition as they are doing now.
We must seek out candidates that are loyal to Principles, no matter what their party. And we must vote for them, even if it "wastes" our vote...because if we don't, nothing will ever change. If the Republicans see that they are losing because principled conservative third party or Independent candidates "take away too many votes", they'll start nominating principled conservative candidates. It's the law of the Free Market...you give your customers what they demand.
And THAT'S something most Republicans still understand.
The problem is not in the representative system of government; rather it is in the perversion of the government by the current people in office.
They need to go. Now."
The Confusion that is "Net Neutrality"
This issue is a deceptive Gordian knot. People whose opinions I value have opposite opinions on it.
In the final analysis, I come down on the side of Gummint Out!
Whatever goodness they promise never works out—even when it sounds perfectly reasonable, and perfectly beneficial. Without knowing more than that, my instinct is to be agin' it if the Lawmaking Lords are for it.
And if Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski is for it, considering he's probably got the hammer and sickle tattooed on areas of his anatomy better left unmentioned, there is not the slightest possibility it's good for anyone but Leftist government power grabbers—and maybe ACORN.
Here's one of the arguments on the "anti" side. And I particularly like how this quote sums it up:
"Think of it as the Fairness Doctrine or McCain-Feingold for the Internet. Or a mythical solution in search of an imaginary problem."
Sounds about right. Perfectly in line with everything we know about how the government works.
"Although the term “Net Neutrality” sounds innocuous enough, its name conceals very destructive consequences. Instead of an open Internet in which competing service providers and wireless carriers remain free to experiment with alternative models, Net Neutrality would for the first time impose regulatory control on one of the few flourishing sectors in our current economy. That's hardly "neutral".
Poor Lindsey
CFIF breaks it down...
"But once again displaying his poor sense of timing and philosophical unseriousness, Senator Graham chose this week to jump head-first onto the wobbling global warming bandwagon. In a New York Times commentary that he chose to co-author with Senator John Kerry (D-MA), he called for… costly global warming legislation. Even more shamefully, he exposed his man-crush on Barack Obama by entitling his piece, Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation). "
What is the matter with that man?
Cheney's Back
LIZ Cheney...
Keep America Safe
"The mission of Keep America Safe is to provide information for concerned Americans about critical national security issues. Keep America Safe seeks to influence public policy by encouraging dialogue between American citizens and their elected representatives in order to produce legislation and executive action that enhances the national security of the United States.wtp
The United States remains a nation at war. We face a growing threat from rogue regimes that seek or have already obtained nuclear weapons. America’s interests are challenged by an authoritarian China, a resurgent Russia, and dictators in our own hemisphere who ally themselves with our adversaries. Amidst the great challenges to America’s security and prosperity, the current administration too often seems uncertain, wishful, irresolute, and unwilling to stand up for America, our allies and our interests."
Live Webcast from Reagan Ranch: Young Americas Foundation
Starts tomorrow at 11:30 am.
"The Conservative Movement Starts Here"
hat tip/Susan
Did YOU pay for the "Hit" on Rush?
National Legal and Policy Center reports that Al Sharpton's organization, National Action Network (and therefore his recent outrageous attack on Rush Limbaugh) is sponsored by corporations that we support with our consumer dollars.
If this is true, it might be time for these big businesses, currently paying protection money to Sharpton's Race Racket to hear from us that buying Sharpton off and thereby funding his irresponsible attacks on innocent citizens will no longer be tolerated.
Vote for the 2A
USA Today has a poll asking if the Second Amendment applies to individuals.
Vote early, vote often!
hat tip/Leonard Stone
Friday, October 16, 2009
San Francisco Surprises Everyone!

See Jack's blog for the story on the Protest yesterday.
"Even in San Francisco, Pres. Obama cannot escape protesters. He held a fundraiser at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco tonight (Thursday) and a crowd turned out across the street on Union Square to let him know what they thought..."
I've received kudos from all over the country, from people who are surprised (and delighted) that there are actually people in San Francisco that don't suffer from ØbamaMania.
Our politicians are totally ruining our reputation.
Quote of the Day
Peace: That brief, glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.
Senate Conservatives Fund
Electing Conservatives to the United States Senate.
The link is on the right under Patriots on the Web, and on the Links page under Political Action.
Read about and register for their Senate Election Strategy Call on Tuesday, November 3.
I'll post it on the Calendar of Events.
This is how they describe themselves:
"The Senate Conservatives fund is an independent political action committee dedicated to electing true conservatives to the U.S. Senate. SCF is not affiliated with the Republican Party or any of its campaign committees."
Today's Outrage...
Anita Dunn—White House Communications Director—Hired by the Øbama administration—On purpose.
Seriously, does anyone still wonder whether this administration is "a little too far " to the Left?
And she has the bad taste to give such a speech in a church. In the shadow of the crucifix.
And she has the bad taste to give such a speech in a church. In the shadow of the crucifix.
(And for God's sake, someone give the woman some water!)
"Cadillac* Health Care Plans" - Whats About to Happen
*Translation: "The Type We All Have"
I Just got off the telephone with the office of Senator Max Baucus, the Chairman of the Finance Committee who is ramming through the new health care bill. I called his office about some questions that I had regarding the so called "CADILLAC HEALTH CARE PLANS" costing over $8,000 that would taxed under the Senators bill.
When I called, a young woman answered the phone and I told her that I had some questions about the Cadillac Health Care plans. I explained that I was a small business owner, and in spite of the fact that I was not a big company, I did provide health care coverage for all of my employees. Each of us in the company has exactly the same plan. Because of my age, which is 60, my plan costs over $1,000 a month and the same plan for my younger employees run about $250 to $300 per month. I asked her if my plan would be taxed as a Cadillac plan and that those of the younger people would not. She said that she did not have the answer and would connect me to a Health Care Staffer.
I was connected to a young man who explained he was a Health Care Staffer. I repeated the same story to him. He explained that yes... because my plan cost over $8,000 per year it would be taxed and the same plan for the younger employees would not be. I responded with... Then it has nothing to do with the quality of the plan, the tax is simply based on the price of the plan. He answered yes, that's how it works. I tried to explain that the costs of health care plans are increased as the recipient ages and does he understand that? He did quite seem to get that.... He just repeated that if it cost more than $8,000 per year it would be taxed.
I tried to explain to this young man that at my age I could not get any plan that would cost me less that $8,000 per year, so what the health care bill was doing, is taxing every older American who has any kind of health car plan at all, regardless of whether or not is a "CADILLAC" type of plan, or the simplest HMO. His response was.... That had not occurred to us, but yes.
This is why this bill MUST BE KILLED, please contact any politician you know with your outrage on this hidden tax on all older Americans. Does anyone wonder why Americans are outraged at what our government is doing to older Americans.
Call your Congressman & Senator and demand they reject this "health care"
I Just got off the telephone with the office of Senator Max Baucus, the Chairman of the Finance Committee who is ramming through the new health care bill. I called his office about some questions that I had regarding the so called "CADILLAC HEALTH CARE PLANS" costing over $8,000 that would taxed under the Senators bill.
When I called, a young woman answered the phone and I told her that I had some questions about the Cadillac Health Care plans. I explained that I was a small business owner, and in spite of the fact that I was not a big company, I did provide health care coverage for all of my employees. Each of us in the company has exactly the same plan. Because of my age, which is 60, my plan costs over $1,000 a month and the same plan for my younger employees run about $250 to $300 per month. I asked her if my plan would be taxed as a Cadillac plan and that those of the younger people would not. She said that she did not have the answer and would connect me to a Health Care Staffer.
I was connected to a young man who explained he was a Health Care Staffer. I repeated the same story to him. He explained that yes... because my plan cost over $8,000 per year it would be taxed and the same plan for the younger employees would not be. I responded with... Then it has nothing to do with the quality of the plan, the tax is simply based on the price of the plan. He answered yes, that's how it works. I tried to explain that the costs of health care plans are increased as the recipient ages and does he understand that? He did quite seem to get that.... He just repeated that if it cost more than $8,000 per year it would be taxed.
I tried to explain to this young man that at my age I could not get any plan that would cost me less that $8,000 per year, so what the health care bill was doing, is taxing every older American who has any kind of health car plan at all, regardless of whether or not is a "CADILLAC" type of plan, or the simplest HMO. His response was.... That had not occurred to us, but yes.
This is why this bill MUST BE KILLED, please contact any politician you know with your outrage on this hidden tax on all older Americans. Does anyone wonder why Americans are outraged at what our government is doing to older Americans.
Call your Congressman & Senator and demand they reject this "health care"
This is from my realtor in Southern California - Leonard Stone
ACTION ALERT - Recruitment (Orig: 10/11/09)
My friends,
I love our Country. I refuse to sit idly by as our Liberty is being hijacked by the lunatics in Washington DC. We must band together and take this Country back! Time is of the essence. Our interests are not being "represented" by the politicians. There is strength in numbers and we can make a huge difference by being proactive. Trust me, letters, emails and faxes do influence politicians. The only thing those corrupt and disgraceful politicians care about is being re-elected.
I have recently joined the Peninsula 9.12 Project group (San Mateo County). After just a couple of months, we are seeking a third meeting venue, having already outgrown the first two!
I am asking each one of you to join the Peninsula 9.12 Project<. Furthermore, I am asking that every member bring their like-minded friends. Then, keep on recruiting. (To get on our email list for meeting info email the Peninsula 9.12 Project - link at right.) Here is the best part, we have set up Issue Committees to focus on and research the various important issues. When a critical piece of legislation comes up, the Chair will issue an ACTION ALERT to all members. The Alerts include a summary of the issue, a sample letter, and links to appropriate lawmakers so you can easily send it via snail mail, fax, and email or have the facts at your fingertips for a phone call. This enables you to efficiently make an impact on all the critical issues, with no monetary investment, and without having to be an expert on everything! This will also give you a tremendous feeling of empowerment.
I love our Country. I refuse to sit idly by as our Liberty is being hijacked by the lunatics in Washington DC. We must band together and take this Country back! Time is of the essence. Our interests are not being "represented" by the politicians. There is strength in numbers and we can make a huge difference by being proactive. Trust me, letters, emails and faxes do influence politicians. The only thing those corrupt and disgraceful politicians care about is being re-elected.
I have recently joined the Peninsula 9.12 Project group (San Mateo County). After just a couple of months, we are seeking a third meeting venue, having already outgrown the first two!
I am asking each one of you to join the Peninsula 9.12 Project<. Furthermore, I am asking that every member bring their like-minded friends. Then, keep on recruiting. (To get on our email list for meeting info email the Peninsula 9.12 Project - link at right.) Here is the best part, we have set up Issue Committees to focus on and research the various important issues. When a critical piece of legislation comes up, the Chair will issue an ACTION ALERT to all members. The Alerts include a summary of the issue, a sample letter, and links to appropriate lawmakers so you can easily send it via snail mail, fax, and email or have the facts at your fingertips for a phone call. This enables you to efficiently make an impact on all the critical issues, with no monetary investment, and without having to be an expert on everything! This will also give you a tremendous feeling of empowerment.
We have created a website that has great topical information and outstanding links. I urge you visit our website, join our group and make a difference! Please do this for the sake of our beloved Country, Liberty, families and friends. It is not too late to save our County and way of life. If you chose to do nothing, you will deserve what you get.
Best Regards,
Recruitment Committee
ACTION ALERT - Edu (Originally posted 10-11-09)
Stop Gay Holiday in our Schools - Designated "Harvey Milk Day"
Please call Governor Arnold and ask him to oppose SB 572.
His phone # 1-916-445-2841. It takes less than a minute.
I got through on the twelfth try. Others were 3 or 4.
When promted Press:
1 for English, then
2 for legislation, then
1 for Harvey Milk Day, then
2 for NO.
Stop Gay Holiday in our Schools - Designated "Harvey Milk Day"
Please call Governor Arnold and ask him to oppose SB 572.
His phone # 1-916-445-2841. It takes less than a minute.
I got through on the twelfth try. Others were 3 or 4.
When promted Press:
1 for English, then
2 for legislation, then
1 for Harvey Milk Day, then
2 for NO.
Thank you,
Leonard W. Stone, Education Committee
ACTION ALERT - Health (Originally posted 10-10-09)
Fellow Patriots!
Tuesday remains the day for the crucial vote of the Senate Finance Committee on the Baucus bill. We have to pull out all the stops. According to Dick Morris and others, the senators to target are Olympia Snowe, R Maine; Blanche Lincoln, D Arkansas; Bill Nelson, D Florida and Kent Conrad, D North Dakota.
Here's a suggested message to copy/paste or create one of your own:
Please vote NO on the Baucus bill.
The American people overwhelmingly oppose the takeover of our health care by the government. We are opposed to any kind of public plan, co-ops or exchanges, the ultimate goal of this power grab. It is too expensive, invasive, inefficient and already full of corrupt special deals and buy offs of various members. Post the bill and all the amendments so that We The People can study it for ourselves.
Do not try to pass this by stealth. Remember, WE ARE VOTERS and we support candidates with donations.
Here is contact information for these senators:
Olympia Snowe - 202-224-5344 T; 202-224-1946 Fax
Blanche Lincoln - 202-224-4843 T; 202-228-1371 Fax
Bill Nelson - 202-224-5274 T; 202-228-2183 Fax
Kent Conrad - 202-224-2043 T; 202-224-7776 Fax
Finance Committee general number: 202-224-4515
Grassfire.org's ResistNet.com has blocks of email addresses for Senators that can be copied and pasted. Unfortunately, I couldn't find general email addresses for the four suspects above. I'll keep looking.
WSJ ARTICLE about Harry Reid's special deal for Nevada, along with others in Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island as well as New York and other states that taxpayers in California will subsidize. It will make your blood boil.
Diane Feinstein is on record saying she cannot vote for a bill that will add $8 billion - billion - to the tax burden of Californians - and that is just to cover the expansion of Medicaid to milliions of people in this state under the Baucus plan. Let's remind her with a phone call or an email.
Priscilla Felton
Fellow Patriots!
Tuesday remains the day for the crucial vote of the Senate Finance Committee on the Baucus bill. We have to pull out all the stops. According to Dick Morris and others, the senators to target are Olympia Snowe, R Maine; Blanche Lincoln, D Arkansas; Bill Nelson, D Florida and Kent Conrad, D North Dakota.
Here's a suggested message to copy/paste or create one of your own:
Please vote NO on the Baucus bill.
The American people overwhelmingly oppose the takeover of our health care by the government. We are opposed to any kind of public plan, co-ops or exchanges, the ultimate goal of this power grab. It is too expensive, invasive, inefficient and already full of corrupt special deals and buy offs of various members. Post the bill and all the amendments so that We The People can study it for ourselves.
Do not try to pass this by stealth. Remember, WE ARE VOTERS and we support candidates with donations.
Here is contact information for these senators:
Olympia Snowe - 202-224-5344 T; 202-224-1946 Fax
Blanche Lincoln - 202-224-4843 T; 202-228-1371 Fax
Bill Nelson - 202-224-5274 T; 202-228-2183 Fax
Kent Conrad - 202-224-2043 T; 202-224-7776 Fax
Finance Committee general number: 202-224-4515
Grassfire.org's ResistNet.com has blocks of email addresses for Senators that can be copied and pasted. Unfortunately, I couldn't find general email addresses for the four suspects above. I'll keep looking.
WSJ ARTICLE about Harry Reid's special deal for Nevada, along with others in Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island as well as New York and other states that taxpayers in California will subsidize. It will make your blood boil.
Diane Feinstein is on record saying she cannot vote for a bill that will add $8 billion - billion - to the tax burden of Californians - and that is just to cover the expansion of Medicaid to milliions of people in this state under the Baucus plan. Let's remind her with a phone call or an email.
Priscilla Felton
Health Care Committee
October 4, 2009
The Baucus health care bill reveals a massively complicated and intrusive web of government intervention in our lives. The Senate Finance Committee has completed its work and awaits CBO's estimate of the costs. Harry Reid is ready to start debating the bill in the Senate the week of October 12.
Heritage Foundation says if Reid doesn't have 60 votes he may try to attach the health care bill AS AN AMENDMENT to another bill about taxing TARP bonuses, which would get all the Democratic votes he needs! He will then send the bill over to Speaker Pelosi who will ram it through the House and send it on to the President. Let's tell them we don't want it!
Dear ______________
It has come to my attention that Harry Reid will be attempting to pass the controversial Health Care bill under the cover of the TARP Bonus bill, as an amendment —because he doesn't have the votes to pass the bloated, unpopular Health Care legislation on its own.
Please don't allow this underhanded end-run around the will of The People. We the People do not want State-Run healthcare under ANY circumstances.
Senator Boxer
Senator Feinstein
Speaker Pelosi
Rep. Speier (12th District)
Rep. Eschoo (14th District)
You can find local or D.C. phone numbers and fax numbers at the sites above. Regular mail does not reach representatives for days because of security checks.
We also need to pressure Olympia Snowe, the one Republican the Democrats are hopeful of picking off then claiming the bill as "bi-partisan". Snowe's offices are:
Augusta, ME Tel: (207) 622-8292; fax: 207) 622-7295
Washington, DC Tel: (202) 224-5344; fax: (202) 224-1946
Here's a suggested message for Olympia:
Senator, I realize you have worked very hard to find a compromise on the health care bill. However, We the People DO NOT WANT this bill. It is unnecessary, drastic, costly and invasive. Please do not vote for it. Let the Democrats take full responsibility and suffer the consequences of foisting this monstrosity on the American people.
Heritage Foundation on Baucus Bill
The Baucus health care bill reveals a massively complicated and intrusive web of government intervention in our lives. The Senate Finance Committee has completed its work and awaits CBO's estimate of the costs. Harry Reid is ready to start debating the bill in the Senate the week of October 12.
Heritage Foundation says if Reid doesn't have 60 votes he may try to attach the health care bill AS AN AMENDMENT to another bill about taxing TARP bonuses, which would get all the Democratic votes he needs! He will then send the bill over to Speaker Pelosi who will ram it through the House and send it on to the President. Let's tell them we don't want it!
Dear ______________
It has come to my attention that Harry Reid will be attempting to pass the controversial Health Care bill under the cover of the TARP Bonus bill, as an amendment —because he doesn't have the votes to pass the bloated, unpopular Health Care legislation on its own.
Please don't allow this underhanded end-run around the will of The People. We the People do not want State-Run healthcare under ANY circumstances.
Senator Boxer
Senator Feinstein
Speaker Pelosi
Rep. Speier (12th District)
Rep. Eschoo (14th District)
You can find local or D.C. phone numbers and fax numbers at the sites above. Regular mail does not reach representatives for days because of security checks.
We also need to pressure Olympia Snowe, the one Republican the Democrats are hopeful of picking off then claiming the bill as "bi-partisan". Snowe's offices are:
Augusta, ME Tel: (207) 622-8292; fax: 207) 622-7295
Washington, DC Tel: (202) 224-5344; fax: (202) 224-1946
Here's a suggested message for Olympia:
Senator, I realize you have worked very hard to find a compromise on the health care bill. However, We the People DO NOT WANT this bill. It is unnecessary, drastic, costly and invasive. Please do not vote for it. Let the Democrats take full responsibility and suffer the consequences of foisting this monstrosity on the American people.
Heritage Foundation on Baucus Bill
Priscilla Felton
Health Care Committee
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tea Party Express - October 28th
Tea Party Express next Tea Party will be in Walnut Creek - 5:30pm
No info yet on location. Will update info as it is announced.
Or, you can check our Calendar of Events or the Tea Party Express Website for updates.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Meeting tonight!
6 pm
Peter's Cafe
#10 El Camino Real
Hwy 101 to Millbrae Ave (west)
Turn right on El Camino
Turn right into first driveway.
See you there - and bring your friends!
Catholic Church Funding ACORN
Progressive Catholic. That sounds like a contradiction in terms. But unfortunately, it's not.
There is an ongoing effort by some to conflate Catholic Doctrine and Liberation Theology...including Radical anti-Global Warming , anti-Death Penalty positions.
Sad day for staunch Conservative Catholics.
AIM (Accuracy in Media) has the story.
There is an ongoing effort by some to conflate Catholic Doctrine and Liberation Theology...including Radical anti-Global Warming , anti-Death Penalty positions.
Sad day for staunch Conservative Catholics.
AIM (Accuracy in Media) has the story.
Alinskyian training sessions in the religious context are designed not to develop or cultivate a personal relationship with Christ and promote traditional values and cultural institutions but to engage in Marxist political activity and radical change. Stephanie Block puts it this way: "Their worldview is marred by visions of class struggle and perpetual revolution. They are systematically trained to renounce moral truth in favor of consensus-based 'values.'"I think it's time for us to reach out to Conservative Catholics to join our movement...not only to Take our Country Back....but to Take Their Church Back!
What has happened over the course of years, some of these experts say, is that Catholics trained in Alinskyian thought have become confused about moral issues and problems. They think, for example, that opposition to the death penalty is on the same moral plane as opposition to abortion, even though Catholic moral teaching has never precluded capital punishment. They believe that fighting "global warming" is as important as saving the lives of unborn children or preventing the killing of the elderly. They are trained to fight for abortion and homosexual "rights" in violation of traditional Catholic Church teaching.
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